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Ontdek de grensverleggende wereld van ondervragingstechnieken en het gerevolutioneerde programma in elicitatie- en ethische beïnvloedingstechnieken bij Penthouse Instituut. We bieden een unieke kans om uw vaardigheden op het gebied van ondervraging te versterken en uw begrip van ethische beïnvloedingstechnieken te verdiepen.
Our mission
Amid this evolution in science, we strive to reveal and make secret techniques public to a wider audience. Our goal is to integrate ethical behavioral influence into Dutch business. We believe the power of influence should be in everyone's hands, and by disrupting outdated practices, we aim to set a new standard. Our mission is not only to push boundaries, but also to pave the way for a more transparent and ethical approach to influencing behavior.

Our vision
We are aware of the terrible things that have happened in the past due to the abuse of influence techniques. That is why we also see our role as a shield, a defense against sinister individuals who would use this power for evil purposes. We believe in the importance of sharing knowledge to not only strengthen ourselves, but also protect others from abuse. Our vision includes a future where transparency, ethics and accountability are at the core of influencing behavior, so that we can not only influence, but also resist dark intentions.

Our philosophy

Our philosophy is rooted in the understanding that "free will" is an age-old paradox.
In a world permeated by good and evil, we see everyone as a fellow player. We are all participants in the field of influencing, day in and day out, regardless of background or origin. It is an integral part of our existence. Since influencing each other is one of the biggest factors in everyone's lives, why not become excellent at it? Discover more about our philosophy on our "Free Will Paradox" page.